Comment: I killed one of those back massagers myself. I chewed off its life source.
I am the worst Lab of the WeekSammy: Labrador_Retriever
I only did two things, but I understand they were major by human standards. It was 1:30 am and no sign of a train, so I started howling forgetting I was at Grandmas house,where the people live very close on one side. All of a sudden I hear footsteps,and figure it is about time Grandpa got up and made breakfast. Wrong, it is Grandma without her glasses,she opens the kennel door and tells us outside,Cass (my Lab uncle)and I go to the downstairs door, and the door shuts tight, but my mouth shuts tighter. Cass doesn't like sleeping anywhere but in his kennel or on the sofa,and he knew we were spending the rest of the night in the basement.Later, my brother Shadow and Mom Jen show up. Grandma tells Mom what I already know,I have to go home do to my howling. I think Shadow snickered his tail made his whole cocker self shake.
That night,Dad is asleep in his chair, now I have chased the pizza guy, caught a mouse or two. I am bored and a bored labbie is bad news. First, I give Dad everything I can find to run after in his lap, but no response. Well he is still sleeping with his mouth open, so I gave him a big kiss with my tongue as deep down his throat as it could get before he jumped up and ran for the mouthwash. Obviousily, Mom thought it was funny, but dad sure didn't. I heard Mom say she thought I needed more one on one attention, so Shadow could stay at Grandma's another night. When I found out that Shady was staying another night,J & T felt sorry for me and let me sleep in their bed between them,so I wouldn't fall out. First I howled with the lady (she is recovering from the 6 month surgery,I understand I am next) dog next door. Then when we went back to sleep, I started running in my sleep which means I kicked my bedmates and then got sent out of their bed.
Don't you three ever do anything minxie? Shadow is home again,and appears to have dined well.
Date: 28-Jan-98 | Age: 0 | Sex: male |
Home: unknown | Damage: $0.00 | Human: Jeni and Tom |
Comment: You sure have a lot of tales to tell. What is minxie?Maggie |
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